Lin is an Algorithm Engineer at Taobao, Alibaba since Aug 2017. Before that, he worked in the Parametric Modeling team of Fusion360, Autodesk. He graduated from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016 with a Master degree in Computer Graphics, advised by Prof. Hui Huang and Prof. Yunhai Wang. From Feb 2015, he spent half a year in University of Pennsylvania supervised by Prof. Ladislav Kavan. He got his bachelor’s degree from South China University of Technology in 2012 (talented student program).

Lin’s work mainly lies in geometry processing, rendering, 3D modeling and reconstructions. Recently, with explosion in NeRF-based method and its promising performance to capture/render reality, he has strong believes that NGP (neural graphics primitive) will shine as a first-class datatype in the next-gen CG platform.